Gragas Removed from League of Legends Temporarily mid - the Championship

Grags, is the most played champion in the championship so far, he removed from the competitive play.Riot decided that after they discovered a bug in match between Fnatic and Edward Gaming,witch it's prevented the champion use one of his abilities.

The tow teams agreed to make the match again because of this series bug.Riot decided to keep him in the competition unless the bug appeared again, in the second game the same bug happened, then they decided to remove him Temporarily .

"We don't want to endanger the integrity of the upcoming games or risk additional remakes, so we are disabling Gragas for the remainder of the tournament" said Riot in a statement. "The bug is also reproducible on Lux and Ziggs, and so to be safe, we are disabling them for the remainder of the trounament.

The other tow champs haven't been picked in the competitive yet,but Grags picked in 29 games of the 39 games.

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