Top 4 games on PC in 2015

Top 4 Games O PC 2015

This is a list of most played games and the profit of each game

  1. League Of Legends
  2. This game is a LEGEND everyone has played it loved it, Riot games has made almost 1 Billion$.It's a small mounts of money-dollar from here a dollar from there - came this mount of money.

  3. World Of Warcraft
  4. Around the world more than 100 billion have played it and it's #1 before League of Legends in 2014 this game has been played more than 14 billion hours .

  5. Dota2
  6. Now this game is more than 10 million play this game , the profit is 10 million $.

  7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  8. Last not lest we have CS:GO ,most of us has played CS games and enjoy playing it . About 7 million people have played this game .

Links about each game:

League Of Legends

World Of Warcraft

Dota 2


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