Marksman Changes in 2016!

Marksman changes

Riot are following up the juggernaut changes with the marksman changes,they decided to puff the marksman and make them a lot stronger , and they changed their itemization.

  1. Graves
  2. Riot has changed Graves' basic attack became like his old Q Backshot , that means that his basic will be area effect , and Graves will has an ammo system with tow rounds . Every round that lands reduces the cooldown on Quickdraw, which no longer grants attack speed but does reload his gun. Finally, they are tweaking Buckshot, giving it a unique T shape attack that deals two rounds of damage. I could try to explain it, or you could just watch the video.

  3. Quinn
  4. Blinding Assault no longer blinds,but its cooldown is reduced whenever Quinn attacks enemies turned Vulnerable by Valor.They're turning Quinn's ult into a toggle, giving Demacia's Wings the ability to MOVE. Most champions rely on Teleport to safely stray from their team, but League's speediest champion can move about freely and split push - or counter a split push - anywhere on the map without needing summoner spells.

  5. Miss Fortune
  6. Bullet Time now lasts longer and fires increasing waves of bullets as she levels her ult, while we're moving Strut over to her W and giving her a brand new passive tentatively titled... Love Tap. With it, MF will deal increased damage to targets other than the one she last shot at. She has two guns, and by constantly switching targets, she'll deal huge amounts of pain to multiple victims. Finally, Impure Shots doesn't last as long, but gives her much more attack speed, and crucially lasts longer every time Miss Fortune deals extra damage with Love Tap.

  7. Kog'Maw
  8. They're lopping off Living Artillery's double champion damage, and adding in execute damage that scales up to deal quadruple damage to low health targets. Meanwhile , They're cutting Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane damage in half while doubling its attack speed buff. Oh, and as long as Kog'Maw's W is active, he'll completely disregard League's attack speed cap.

  9. Corki
  10. Corki's always been League's magic damage dealing marksman, something we're reinforcing by tweaking his basic attacks to deal half magic and half physical damage. They're reducing the range of his Valkyrie to make him a little less safe, but adding in something totally unique to the mustachioed aviator. Now, once he hits level six, Corki - or Corki's ground staff - will spawn a crate of rockets and bombs back at HQ. Once Corki flies over one of his crates, he gets SUPERCHARGED, earning a homeguard boots-esque boost, increased base movement speed, and a supercharged Valkyrie that basically carpet bombs a huge area with napalm... but only for a small window of time. Basically, Corki has a minute to make a huge play once he picks up his Corki care package - whether or not he makes the most of his window will often separate the good Corkis from the great Corkis.

  11. Caitlyn
  12. Caitlyn's traps now run on ammo, so the sheriff can lay down up to three at a time, and while trapped enemies no longer suffer damage, Caitlyn can hit them with a basic attack at much longer range to deal instant Headshot damage. She gets the same bonus off enemies caught by her 90 Caliber Net, too. Finally, they're tweaking Cait's Piltover Peacemaker, making the initial shot much thinner until it strikes a target - then her round bursts open and deals reduced damage to everything behind it.

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