Battlefield 5 going to be in WW1 and it's will be released in October 2016 !

Rectifying slow-firing weapons and excruciating trench warfare with the fast-paced, vehicle-focused Battlefield model sounds nearly impossible, so I would be very surprised if this listing turns out to be accurate. Have you seen what tanks looked like back then? You'd have a tough time launching off a ramp and shooting down a helicopter with one of these, I'll tell you that much.

I'd have an easier time believing a Battlefield spinoff, like Bad Company or Vietnam, would take the franchise back to the 1910s than the next numbered sequel. Then again, that might be what we get this year, especially since a chunk of the Battlefield team was busy with Star Wars Battlefront up until December. EA CEO Andrew Wilson said a "new Battlefield experience" would arrive in time for holiday 2016, and the Great War would be very new territory for the series. Calling it Battlefield 5 might just be shorthand on World of Games' part... or the whole listing might be wrong. Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer to find out.

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