Next Steps

              A dream which I have always dreamt of, is to do the thing I love from my home on own desc, for this self image that I have made I went to the Internet and started digging for more information about programming.

                Finally I found something really grabbed my interest, which was the Web, so I started learning the basics of it, step by step, I was able to build a website, after that I started to sell them, so I went to local companies and shops to offer them website, ( I was 16 at that time), but I really loved my job, and I felt like I needed to learn more to have more skills, so I started the Front-end Development, I learnt the frame works such as Angualr JS and Angualr, React JS, from those frame works I was accepted to work in a start-up company, most of our work was web based applications, so I started to work on Hybrid-apps, building them with Ionic 2, I also learned React Native for my personal interest.

              When in a small company, you need to do a lot of things, so I started my back-end career, I used Node js and Laravel frame works.


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