Kayle Guide the AD Assassins counter !

In League now the AD assassins are very strong in the current meta , we all feel annoyed when we play aginst them , in this post I will give good giude for Kayle becuase she can counter them so easily .

Lets talk a bit about Kalye , and why I picked her for this hard mission , first she got a nice win ratio second her ultimate negating any sort of damage comes from champions , so she can stop the burst damage from champs like Zed , Talon , Rengar.

Now I will talk about her positives and negatives.

  • Scales into the late game like a BEAST.
  • Grae countering assassins [Zed,Talon].
  • Her E has auto AOE damage.
  • CSing / Wave clearing feels very easy with her .
  • Brings in plenty of natural hybrid damage.
  • Synergies with on-hit well.
  • 37.5% CDR allows perma E .
  • W heal plus % MoveSpeed.
  • Q has a 55% slow and good based damage .
  • Has AD/AP scaling Q/E
  • No has escapes in kit.
  • First Ult level vs Zed is not good.
  • Takes a bit of time to get going.
  • No hard CC for a mid laner mage .
    Tips And Tricks
  • Your E will not splash when attacking towers .
  • In lane focus on farm over harass , and push with your E .
  • Your major power spike is after Nashrons + Rageblade
  • Only use your Q 25 min + for slow not for damage only .
  • With Lichbane Q's main purpose is for Lichbane prok or initiate your (Combo).
  • When going for harss, use W MSeed to geb close .
  • Don't save ult till last second , use it earlier .
  • Time ult is prevent enemies Burst damage.
  • Your Q applies 1 stack of your passive Abilities + Summoners: E at level 1
    Q at level 2
    E at level 3 , then W at 4
    Max E-Q-W-R (Level up your R whenever you can).
    Flash / ignite summoners usually.
    Can easily take exhaust or even ghost.
    If vs Twisted Fate or top , TP is a good option. Build

    This guide is made by Redmercy for more guide stay on MSJ .

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