The Broken ADC Guide Kog'Maw

Welcome everybody to this guide , if u played against Kog'Maw in this few days you must suffered from him , after the changes in his passive abilities in the last patch , what exactly happen that they moved the total attack speed (35%) from his Q to his W , that makes you have to max only tow abilities.

Lets talk about his positives and negatives.

  • As I said you only have to max tow abilities.
  • W got the attack speed passive so you will be able to get 35% so easily .
  • He scales like a beast, in the late game he will be a DEATH MACHINE .
  • Your E is so good for slow.
  • Your W+on hit item= OP OP.
  • He still weak in the laning phase so just play it safe and wait till the late game then you can resale the beast .
  • The Keystone mastery Fervor of Battle.
  • Your ult is very good weapon for execute enemies under 50% HP .

    Alright lets move to his Negatives :

  • As I said his Q is useless .
  • The laning Phase is sucks with Kog'Maw
  • He is bad Vs high CC supps
  • He don't have any escapes.

    After this here's a general tips to play this beast.

  • Play in lane to stay alive not to win it.
  • Very strong after Rageblade and Hurricane.
  • Use your E to hit more W's attacks.
  • You can poke the enemies in the lane with W .
  • Try not to use your ult on enemies more than 50% HP.
  • Stack the Ragleblade is rouge nut when you got it's stack it will be so strong.
  • Sometimes in teamfights your play to clean up.
  • Try to not be the first one in the teamfight, or stay back because you are easy target for assassins .

    Max Yor W at level 1 . then E , don't put any points in your Q till you finish W and E .

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